13 Aug: Milano Marittima (Italy), ALFEDANS with Eva-Maria Rusche
19 Aug: Ancona (Italy), Stella Ariente
20 Aug: Gravina in Puglia (Italy), ALFEDANS
21 Aug: Altamura, (Italy), Stella Ariente
24 Aug.: Lequile (Italy), Stella Ariente
4 Sept.: Moss (Norway), BACH Festival, duo with Eva-Maria Rusche
7 Sept.: Moss (Norway), ALFEDANS duo with Eva-Maria Rusche
10 Sept.: Battenfeld (Germany), with MetaMorPhonica
12 Sept.: Santiago (Spain), with Oni Wytars
16 Sept.: Norway, Organ festival, with Anna-Maria Friman & Catalina Vicens
19 Sept.: Suhl (Germany), duo with Eva-Maria Rusche
26 Sept.: Hatzfeld (Germany), with the Friman-Ambrosini-Vicens Trio
3 Oct.: Suhl (Germany), ALFEDANS with Eva-Maria Rusche
7-10 Oct.: Eiterfeld (Germany), teaching at the International Nyckelharpa Days
14 Oct.: Köln (Germany), with Ensemble Syn.de
19-21 Nov.: Trossingen (Germany), teaching at the University
23 Oct.: Wil (CH), ALFEDANS with Eva-Maria Rusche
29-31 Oct.: Forlimpopoli (Italy), teaching at the SMP
31 Oct.: Bremen Gröpeling (Germany), with Eva-Maria Rusche and Angela Ambrosini(cancelled or
postponed because of COVID-19)
8 -10 Nov.: Recordings for the Siena-harpa project
11-14 Nov.: Teaching for Musica Viva
17 Nov.: Bologna (Italy), Museo Colombano, with the Friman-Ambrosini-Vicens Trio
19-21 Nov.: Trossingen (Germany), teaching at the University
29 Nov. - 8 Dec.: Oslo (Norway), recordings and concerts with Solistkoret and Grete Pedersen
10 Dec.: Konstanz (Germany), with the Bach2Quartet (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
19 Dec.: Romanshorn (CH), with Supersonus (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
16 Dec.: Konstanz (Germany), with Angela Ambrosini and Eva-Maria Rusche
21 Dec.: Hall (Austria), with Ensemble Oni Wytars & Unicorn
24 Dec.: Wil (CH) with Ensemble Metamorphonica
24 Dec.: Konstanz (DE) with Ensemble Metamorphonica
In 2020:
1st January, Wil (Switzerland), with Eva-Maria Rusche
11January, Konstanz, with Bach2quartet
16 January, Villingen (Germany), IHK
19 January, Diessenhofen (Switzerland), with Eva-Maria Rusche & Angela Ambrosini
24-26 January, Forlimpopoli (Italy), teaching at the SMP
4-7 February, Hatzfeld (Germany), video recordings with the Friman-Ambrosini-Vicens Trio
1st March, Antwerpen (Belgium), with Tiburtina Ensemble & Angela Ambrosini
7 March, Konstanz (Germany) with Eva-Maria Rusche
13 March: Academy Burg Fürsteneck (Germany) (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
14 March: Academy Burg Fürsteneck (Germany) (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
15 March: Academy Burg Fürsteneck (Germany) (cancelled or
postponed because of COVID-19)
26 March, Köln (Germany) with Ensemble Syn.de (cancelled or
postponed because of COVID-19)
7 May, Trollhättan (Schweden) with Ensemble Oni Wytars (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
9 May, Konstanz (Germany) with Eva-Maria Rusche (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
14 May, Fohlenweide (Germany), MusicaViva (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
15 May, Fohlenweide (Germany), MusicaViva (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
16 May, Fohlenweide (Germany), MusicaViva (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
17 May, Fohlenweide (Germany), MusicaViva (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
4 June, Stockholm (Sweden) with Ensemble Oni Wytars (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
5 -7 June, Trossingen (Germany), teaching at the Music University
14 June, Hatzfeld (Germany) with Eva-Maria Rusche (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
18 June, Eppan/Appiano(Italy) with Friman-Ambrosini-Vicens Trio (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
19 June, Murnau (Germany), with Friman-Ambrosini-Vicens Trio (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
20 June, Montalbane (Germany), with Ensemble Oni Wytars (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
21 June, Hilterfingen (Switzerland), with Karin Tscholl & Angela Ambrosini (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
27 June, Nürnberg (Germany), with Ensemble Supersonus (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
11 July, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), with Ensemble Oni Wytars (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
12 July, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), with Ensemble Oni Wytars (cancelled or
postponed because of COVID-19)
19 July, Stellichte (Germany), with Eva-Maria Rusche
26 July, Bremen (Germany), with Eva-Maria Rusche and Angela Ambrosini (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
30 July- 2nd August, Bertinoro (Italy), Early Music Master Class
4 August, Cotignola (Italy), Baroque Ensemble
7 August Monaco (Monaco), with Friman-Ambrosini-Vicens Trio (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
13 August, Altamura (Italy), with Angela Ambrosini & Eva-Maria Rusche
18 August, Lausanne (Switzerland), Martin Erhard Quartet
23 August, San Quirico (Italy), with Eva-Maria Rusche (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
28 August, Monselice (Italy), with Ensemble Oni Wytars
29 August, Moss (Norway), with Eva-Maria Rusche (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
6 September, Moskow (Russia), with Alexey Semyonov (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
10 - 16 September, China Tour (cancelled
or postponed because of COVID-19)
13 September, Stockholm /Sweden) SEMF Festival, with Ensemble Oni Wytars
18 September, Stavanger (Norway), with Friman-Ambrosini-Vicens Trio(cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
19 September, Stavanger (Norway), Duo Ambrosini-Vicens (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
4 Oct., Hatzfeld (Germany), duo with Eva-Maria Rusche
8-11 Oct., Eiterfeld (Germany), teaching at the International Nyckelharpa Days
11 Oct., Montalbane Festival (Germany) with Ensemble Oni Wytars
16-19 Oct., Fohlenweide (Germany), MusicaViva
23-25 Oct., Forlimpopoli (Italy), teaching at the SMP
15 Nov. Bach-Tage, Konstanz, (Germany), with Bach²quartet (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
20-22 Nov. Trossingen (Germany), teaching at the Music University (cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
28+29 Nov.: "Magnificat Anima Mea Dominum", Konstanz (Germany)(cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
4-6 Dec.: Forlimpopoli (Italy), teaching at the SMP(cancelled or postponed because of COVID-19)
21 Dec.: "Höfische und traditionelle Musik zur Weihnachtszeit", Hall (Austria), with Ensemble Unicorn & Oni Wytars(cancelled or postponed because
of COVID-19)